
Grandiloquent Word of the Day - 2023 Wall Calendar

Created by Grandiloquent Word of the Day/Jason Ott

Grandiloquent words with definitions, vintage illustrations, daily holidays, and celestial details. ON SALE - printed calendars are 50% off, and include a free PDF!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First Stretch Goal Unlocked - Second Stretch Goal Added!
11 months ago – Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 10:11:09 PM

Splendid news, grandiloquent friends...your munificent support has unlocked the first stretch goal in the Grandiloquent Word of the Day 2024 Wall Calendar Kickstarter Campaign! Huzzah! All backers who have pledged for tiers with printed calendars shall now receive one Floral Fantasy Bookmark in addition to their other rewards!

And thanks to your generous support, we have added a second stretch goal...these splendid new Grandiloquent Sticker Sheets!

If pledges reach $35,000 or more, all backers who have pledged for any of the reward tiers with printed calendars will also receive two sticker sheets (for a total of four stickers)...and, extras will be available to add on at the end of the campaign!

These delightful stickers are perfect for wherever you need a dash of grandiloquence. They shall no doubt be charming conversation starters on campus, your favorite coffee shop, next work meeting, or library (in hushed tones, of course)!

The Grandiloquent Word of the Day 2024 Wall Calendar Kickstarter Campaign closes at 10:01am EDT on Thursday August there is still time to share with others and help unlock the second stretch goal. Thank you, as always, for all that you're doing to bring this project to life. You are truly magnificent!

Kindest regards,

Jason T. Ott, Grandiloquent Word of the Day

Full Color and Pronunciation Guides for the Wall Calendars!
11 months ago – Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 07:52:51 PM

Greetings calendar connoisseurs!

Our beloved wall calendar is getting some delightful updates this year. First, the entire calendar shall be printed in full, glorious color to honor the beautiful Walter Crane illustrations in the fashion they so richly deserve.

And to layer on the thrilling delight - by popular request, we are proud to announce that this year's calendars will contain pronunciations! Huzzah!!!

 I am truly gladsome to be providing both of these splendiferous upgrades to the 2024 Wall Calendar. And most important of all - the very calendars themselves wouldn't exist without your gracious support. A hale and hearty Thank You to you all!

Please do share the Grandiloquent Word of the Day 2024 Kickstarter Campaign far and wide so that we can reach our 1st stretch goal (and possibly even add another) - we'd love to include even more goodness with your rewards!

With grandiloquent gratitude, I remain,

Jason T. Ott, Grandiloquent Word of the Day

Grandiloquent Words - signed by the author (that's me)!
12 months ago – Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 05:42:29 PM

Greetings gentle readers,

While the calendar is the star of the Grandiloquent Word of the Day 2024 Wall Calendar campaign, we are every bit as excited to present a new reward this year. Please allow me the joy of introducing my very first book - Grandiloquent Words: A Pictoric Lexicon of Ostrobogulous Locutions!

This beautiful hardcover tome is 256 pages long, and I will be signing each of your copies. It is included with two of our reward tiers, and can be added to your pledge in other tiers (add-ons are only in the US). Don't delay - it's the perfect opportunity to procure a signed copy for yourself. And they make most delightful gifts as well, particularly when paired with our Grandiloquent bookmarks and bookplates!

Thank you, more than the most grandiloquent of words can express, for your gracious support of the 2024 Wall Calendar campaign - you are bastions of beneficence! 

As ever, I remain...Jason T. Ott, Grandiloquent Word of the Day

A Brilliant Beginning
12 months ago – Wed, Aug 02, 2023 at 02:49:59 PM

Greetings, grandiloquent friends!

We are euphorically elated to be back on Kickstarter in support of the eighth annual Grandiloquent Word of the Day Wall Calendar! What a magical milestone, made entirely possible by your most gracious patronage. You are truly the most magnificent of the munificent!

We are off to a spectacular beginning for this year's campaign. As of this moment, within our first 24 hours, we are 60% funded. And if that weren't enough reason for unbridled joy...Kickstarter has once again bestowed upon us the honor of "Project We Love". Please join me in a hearty huzzah!!!

This year is particularly special for two reasons: 

  • For the first time, the entire calendar will be printed in full, glorious color.
  • We are featuring signed copies of my upcoming book as one of the rewards - Grandiloquent Words: A Pictoric Lexicon of Ostrobogulous Locutions (hardcover, 256 pages, from Countryman Press)
  • See all the details here: Grandiloquent Word of the Day Wall Calendar

We're looking forward to sharing more updates in the coming days. Thank you ever so much!

With grandiloquent gratitude, I remain,

Jason T. Ott, Grandiloquent Word of the Day

Printed calendars have arrived!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 09:26:23 AM

Dearest Grandiloquent Backers,

I hope this message finds everyone well and happy as we move ever closer to 2023.

I have some glorious updates to share with you, our much-beloved backers:

1. First and most importantly - the printed calendars arrived today! Huzzah! They are splendid indeed. We're already deeply immersed in packing so that we can get these on their way by the end of November...which means that we are shipping earlier than our anticipated December date. Again I say, huzzah!

We are now in the process of locking your current orders and charging your cards for any add-ons you may have ordered after the campaign ended. Once your order is ready to ship, you'll receive email notifications (including a tracking number) so that you can keep an eye out for your treasures. 

2. We are working to get PDF links sent to everyone within the next few days - so happily, we are on track for our anticipated November timing for PDF delivery. I daresay you're anticipating this one - huzzah! Look for an email from Backerkit with a link to access your download, coming soon.

A very important reminder - if you haven't yet received and completed your survey from Backerkit, please check your inbox (same email as you used for your Kickstarter account). This is how we collect your shipping details, and also ensure we have the right email address for PDF delivery. If you need the survey to be resent, we're happy to do so - just send us a quick Kickstarter message. 

Wishing you all a splendid remainder to your week!

Jason T. Ott, Grandiloquent Word of the Day